設計公司:Tsikan Interior Design 知間室內設計
設計師名稱:Wei Lin Chuan
攝影師名稱:YHLAA Studio
Built Design Awards 2022-Winner
Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2022-Honorable Mention
LICC - London International Creative Competiton-Official Selection

Weekly Florist is a floral workshop. In the renovation plan, the concept originates from combining the forms of canvases and sculptures. With each area enriched with textured surfaces much like a canvas, the blend between art and life blurs into one. The interior utilizes properties of minimalism and classicism to portray the back and foreground within the premise. Through meticulous ingenuity, lighting, textures, and materials used dramatically transform the interior into a work of art. The atmosphere embraces visitors on every edge and curves with a slow-paced, Zen-like flower gallery.
Weekly Florist是一家花藝工作坊,設計概念來自於以畫布和雕塑品的形式,透過折衷主義(Eclecticism)的手法,結合古典主義(Classicism)和極簡主義(Minimalism)的幾何線條與對等比例,將其花藝作品中簡單、優雅且弧線柔軟的風格,具體呈現在空間之中,讓每個作品都宛如一幅畫或擺設,成為空間中的藝術品。秉持著共生和諧的理念,藉由精心計算的細節和工匠精神,打破藝術與設計之間的界線,將藝術與生活相互結合,完美體現主人從容自在、步調輕緩、仙氣飄飄的特質,將花藝工作坊打造成花的藝廊。