Glass Horizons
2024 iF Design Awards 德國iF設計獎/ 住宅室內設計類/ Winner
2023 Outstanding Property Awards London 倫敦傑出地產獎/ 公寓及公寓大廈類/ Winner

In the post-pandemic new normal, this user-centric spatial design manifests profound societal relevance. Through skillful integration of glass curtains, mirrored sliding doors, and versatile zones, the design not only visually expands limited confines but also harmonizes functionality and aesthetics. The highly adaptable environmental settings and well-curated materials serve the needs of all age groups, particularly aligning with the new trends of remote work and home learning. Rounded corners and frosted textures in design details enhance occupants' sense of safety and emotional comfort. Overall, the space offers appropriate venues and atmospheres for various activities, effectively responding to societal shifts and practical needs.